If you are a company hiring manager/representative who would like to attend an event, please contact admin@permianbasinhiringevents.com to register for a company booth.
Contact Us for Company Booth Registration:
Contact Us for Company Booth Registration:
Contact Us for Company Booth Registration:
Contact Us for Company Booth Registration:
Contact Us for Company Booth Registration:
Contact Us for Company Booth Registration:
Contact Us for Company Booth Registration:
What should you bring to the Hiring Event?
-Drivers License/ID
-SS Card or Birth Certificate or Passport or ID Card or Resident Card
-Printed copies of your Resume
-Ink Pen
Do all companies Hire on the Spot?
-Many companies hire on the spot at these events, but not all. Some do not.
Does everyone get hired on the spot?
-Each company is responsible for their own hiring. We (Permian Basin Hiring Events) do not hire for the companies.
You will have to speak / interview with the companies, and they make the decision based on what is best for their company and their hiring needs.
How do job seekers register to attend the event?
-It is FREE for job seekers to attend, and you will register at the door, the day of the event.
*Disclaimer of Company Participation-The companies listed with each event are the companies who registered to attend. We (Permian Basin Hiring Events) are not responsible for their attendance or timeliness to the event.
*Disclaimer-Multi-Company events require at least 8+ companies to make the event successful for the companies and job seekers. We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule an event, if this minimum is not met. Any credits will be held to the rescheduled date or another event of company choice.
***Permian Basin Hiring Events cannot control if companies and their representatives go on a hiring freeze, layoff, change events, cancel, have a medical/family emergency, get covid, have flight delays or cancellations, no show, or are late to a scheduled event.
****Permian Basin Hiring Events will not be held responsible for weather or acts of god, or any issue that arises that is out of our control.
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Rescheduled Hiring Events:
PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA has been CANCELLED for February 27, 2025.
It will be RESCHEDULED for a later date.
Please check back for the new rescheduled date.